CSS adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang elektrikal industri. CSS berlokasi di Lindeteves Trade Center Lt. GF 1 blok C 30 no. 10, Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 127. Jakarta Barat.
Perusahaan ini menjual produk khususnya sendiri dengan merk CSS dan juga produk 3M. Produk CSS mencakup cable connector, cable lug, cable ties, deadbreak, double tape, electrical tape, filament tape, heatshrink, led lamp, marking tape, dll. Sedangkan untuk produk 3M terdiri dari scotch, jointing dan, termination.
Hingga kini CSS sudah memiliki pangsa pasar yang cukup luas di Indonesia dan telah dipercaya oleh banyak konsumen karena memiliki kualitas produk yang baik dan harga yang bersaing diantara kompetitor.
CSS is a company engaged in the electrical industry. CSS is located in Lindeteves Trade Center GF1 block C 30 no. 10, Hayam Wuruk Street No. 127. West Jakarta.
The company sells its private label products "CSS" and 3M products. CSS products include cable connector, cable lug, cable ties, deadbreak, double tape, electrical tape, filament tape, heatshrink, led lamp, marking tape, etc. As for the 3M product consists of scotch, and jointing, termination.
Now CSS Company already has quite large market share in Indonesia and has been trusted by many consumers due to its good quality and competitive price among the competitor.